Ashlee Jones

Garbanzos for Health

We’ve all heard of cholesterol–but what is it exactly? Mayo Clinic describes cholesterol as a waxy substance found in your blood that your body needs to help build healthy cells.  So bring it on… right? The more the merrier?  WRONG! High levels of cholesterol can actually be dangerous. Excess cholesterol can lead to fatty deposits …

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Home Body Detox

Now that the holidays of indulging are behind us, let’s explore how to cleanse our bodies for the coming year. Have you ever heard of body detox? Body detox is like giving your digestive system a refreshing boost, usually by drinking a special solution that helps clear out your intestines. The goal here is to …

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Controlling Cancer

Cancer happens. Many are caused by genetic abnormalities, which are like little errors in the genetic material. These genetic abnormalities are a result of getting older and are, to some extent, unavoidable. But there are things we can do to help control the cancer. Trust me, I am speaking from experience here! When I was …

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