Intuitive Eating

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With the holiday season now in full swing, that likely means more big meals and splurge-worthy spreads! It can also mean that we might not have full focus on our eating habits and health as we enjoy these scrumptious foods with family and friends.

Although I try to eat very clean and make healthy choices for myself, I still have some “diet mentality” in my way of eating. That can be especially tricky around the holidays as it might rob me of truly enjoying some of the festive treats.

That’s where the idea of intuitive eating comes in. Intuitive eating is an approach that focuses on body & mind cues and emotions. It aims to foster a positive relation with all food as opposed to weight control. This means eating and enjoying foods that you might normally stay away from. Not eating them in excess, of course, but taking time to enjoy them. 

If you’ve never heard of intuitive eating, here are the 10 principles: 

There are a couple of those principles that stand out to me, the first being “throw out diet mentality.” I mentioned before that I am sometimes guilty of eating this way. I know what foods are good for my body and experiment with different ways of incorporating them into my diet. 

And there’s the problem – the perception of the word diet. Diet doesn’t have to mean losing weight. Diet is primarily defined as the kinds of foods we habitually eat. Diet culture has made us think that diet has to mean deficit, when it is actually about balance.

Another principle I love is to “challenge the food police.” You’re probably thinking, “But, Vickie, who are they?” The Food Police is our inner diet culture voice (and there’s that d-word again).

In order to challenge this metaphorical police force that is trying to dictate our food decisions based on external factors, we have to trust ourselves and our bodies. Rather than always worrying about what we should be eating, we make food choices based on what we want to be eating. Remember, all things in moderation!

Now all this isn’t to say that this is the exact way everyone should be eating. If you have certain dietary restrictions or need to track your food intake, then you can’t exactly follow all of the principals verbatim. 

It’s important to become aware of who we are along with our daily life routines and preferences. The key takeaway here is to do what works best for you and your body without putting a ton of pressure on yourself. 

Which principle stands out the most to you?

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