Pricing & FAQ’s
Explore our membership packages and get the answers to all your questions below.
Our membership packages
Everyone starts with a free 14-day trial of unlimited classes. After your free trial, you can choose what package you would like to continue on:
AFF Free, AFF All Access, or AFF Core.
We have something for everyone! 🎉
AFF Free
Access to a few select free classes each monthAFF All Access
Premium access to all 60+ live classes each monthAFF Core
Access to 4 classes each month of your choiceEveryone starts with a free 14-day trial of unlimited classes
- no credit card required.
Frequently Asked Questions
- or FAQ's 🙂
Press the down arrow to the right of each question to see the answer.
You can sign up by clicking on the GET STARTED button on the top right corner of the page. It only takes one step and is very easy to do. If you need help signing up you can call us at 623-285-7075.
No, you don’t! Everyone gets a free 14-day trial to start with – no credit card required. When signing up for the free trial, we only ask for your email and time zone and then you can join any class you want for 14 days. After your free trial has ended, you can choose the membership package that works best for you and enter your credit card information at that time.
To book a class, go to our LIVE SCHEDULE. Scroll down until you see the class you want and select BOOK NOW. That’s it!
After you have booked your class, you will simply come back to the LIVE SCHEDULE 10 minutes before the class start time. Click on MY CLASSES at the top of the schedule and select JOIN NOW to join your class. The class window will open automatically and you will see your instructor and other class participants.
No, you don’t! Our classes are for anyone of any age or ability. Many of our members do seated or supported exercises. Our community is inclusive and non-judgmental and we want you to show up no matter what your fitness or ability level. We are just happy you have taken the first step to optimal wellness – joining your first class!
No, you don’t! We encourage our members to do what they are most comfortable with. However, it’s easier to build friendships with the other class participants if your video is on so you can all see each other. It’s also better for the instructor and yourself so the instructor can see you and give you feedback throughout the class. Many of us struggle with self-confidence in our appearance as we age, but we are here to boost each other up – and seeing each other is a big part of that!
We offer a diverse variety of classes that improve your physical, mental, emotional, and energetic health. When browsing classes from the LIVE SCHEDULE, simply click on DETAILS for the class you want to learn more about. Here you can find information such as the intensity level, adaptability levels, class description, class rating, instructor information, and more information that can help you decide if you want to try that class. We recommend giving every class a try to see what you like. We have many members that attend at least one class every day – and they love it!
Of course! You can cancel your membership at any time. You will go to MY PROFILE and click on CURRENT MEMBERSHIP. Click on CANCEL MEMBERSHIP, and you will be asked to confirm your cancellation. Voila, you’re done!
Absolutely. The good news is – you’ve already made it to this page! From here, you can join a class in a few quick steps – no technological skills required! Simply click GET STARTED in the top right-hand corner to sign up for your first class. We have people from 60 years old to 101 years old joining our classes, so trust me, you can do it.
We are here to help. You can contact us anytime by sending an email to or by giving us a call at 623-275-7075.
Woohoo! You can simply CLICK HERE to get started. We can’t wait to see you in class.
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