Flu Season Defense Plan

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As the days get shorter and cooler, flu season starts creeping up. It’s especially important to stay on top of your health this time of year! But don’t worry — a few simple steps can help you stay strong and flu-free this fall.

Friendly reminder: I’m not a doctor, just a flu-fighting enthusiast. Always chat with your healthcare provider before making any medical decisions!!

Boost Your Immune System

A strong immune system is your best shield against the flu. How do you keep it strong? By eating well, staying active, and getting enough rest.

Include more fruits and vegetables in your meals. Foods rich in vitamins C and D, like oranges and spinach, are particularly helpful. This yummy recipe from My Family Thyme is simple to put together.

Walking and light exercise, even for 20 minutes a day, can also do wonders for your immune system. We offer classes nearly every day if you’re not sure where to start!

And don’t forget sleep! A lack of sleep can actually prolong how long it takes you to recover if you do happen to get sick. Sleep helps your body recover and fight off germs. Try to get 7-8 hours of rest each night.

Get Your Flu Shot

One of the easiest and most effective ways to protect yourself is by getting the flu vaccine.

This is especially important for seniors, as your immune system weakens with age. Getting the flu shot can also help protect your loved ones by reducing the risk of spreading the flu to them.

Talk to your doctor about the best time to get your flu shot — early in the season is ideal! The CDC recommends getting the flu vaccine in September or October.

Wash Your Hands Often

Washing your hands is one of the easiest ways to stop the flu from spreading. Germs are everywhere — on doorknobs, countertops, and even on your phone.

Washing your hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds gets rid of those germs before they make you sick. Pay attention to your nails and in-between your fingers, as germs like to hide in these spots.

Check out the World Health Organization’s 7-step method for thoroughly washing your hands.

Remember to wash your hands after coughing, sneezing, or touching your face. It’s also important to clean them before eating or after being in public spaces like the grocery store.

If you’re out and can’t find a sink, carry hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol to use on the go.

Avoid Crowded Places

Flu germs spread quickly in places with a lot of people. Busy stores, indoor events, and even family gatherings can increase your chances of catching the flu.

If you need to go out, try to pick less crowded times, like early mornings or weekdays. Wearing a mask in crowded places can also add an extra layer of protection.

If staying home is an option, take advantage of it. Use delivery services for groceries or essentials to avoid busy areas. And if you have visitors, make sure they’re feeling well before they come over. It’s always better to be safe than sorry during flu season!!

Stay Hydrated

Drinking enough water keeps your body running smoothly and helps flush out toxins. Staying hydrated also supports your immune system, making it easier for your body to fight off germs.

The goal is eight glasses of water a day. Herbal teas and soups can also help. Keeping a water bottle nearby is a simple way to remind yourself to sip throughout the day.

By following this defense plan, you can face the flu season feeling ready and protected. Remember, a few small changes can make a big difference in keeping you healthy!!

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