Alive, Fit & Free classes for seniors

Reimagine Resident Engagement

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Did you know? :

-44% of residents said that the wellness program is the primary reason they chose a community?

-43% increased length of stay by residents engaged in wellness programs versus unengaged residents?

-$126,000 estimated CLV loss per isolated unengaged resident.

-94% of residents believe having a purpose in life is very important?

-54% of residents rate taking on new challenges and hobbies as very important?

At Alive, Fit & Free, we offer over 60+ engaging live experiences monthly in a global community to help you reimagine and increase your resident engagement.

We are bridging the gap between the health span – age 63 and lifespan – age 79.

Our virtual experiences are all centered around the 4 Pillars of Health:





Health doesn’t just mean to move your physical body. We focus on a holistic approach that targets the whole person. As we teach, educate and exemplify a lifestyle based in wellness, and we close that silly gap between health span and lifespan. We believe all of our days should be filled with health and vitality. We don’t want to live longer – we want to live better – longer!

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Alive, Fit & Free virtual classes for seniors

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